by Fred Ross

历 史 回 眸

  1. 与性相关的魔法
  2. 魔法的施行场所
  3. 西方魔法的起源
  4. 中东传统
  5. 魔法与基督教
  6. 微妙的中世纪
  7. 隐秘的魔法
  8. 宗教与巫术
  9. 今天的魔法世界
Oil on canvas, 1879
The Times Monday 27th 1896.
Death of Lord Leighton

We announce with deep regret the death of Lord Leighton, President of the Royal Academy, which took place on Saturday afternoon at his residence, 2 Holland Park Road Kensington.

Early last year Sir Frederic Leighton, as he then was, saw his friend Dr Lander Brunton, and subsequently Sir William Broadbent, in association with h